Category Archives: Yoga

LYS, take 2: Day 13, Wednesday, July 9

It’s only Wednesday and I think I’ve done at least 10 loads of laundry this week. Damn bugs.

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LYS, take 2: Day 12, Tuesday, July 8

My morning routine involves letting the ferrets out to play while I sit and watch them. This is a very calming routine for me and even though it involves cleaning up after them when they get put away, making this … Continue reading

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LYS, take 2: Day 11, Monday, July 7

I was pretty tired today. Yesterday wore me out mentally and physically. Spending a quiet evening at home. Treated myself and Michael with dinner from Zorba on the Run from the downtown market.

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LYS, take 2: Day 10, Sunday, July 6

To be from now and forward referred to as “Bugs and Daffy Day” since that sounds a lot better than the “Day of the Bed Bug Infestation From Hell.” Yes, you read that right, we figured out that our little … Continue reading

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LYS, take 2: Day 9, Saturday, July 5

In retrospect, I should have been more pleased on Saturday morning when Michael asked me if I remember him waking in the middle of the night and turning the light on. He said he felt something on him and found … Continue reading

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LYS, take 2: Day 8, Friday, July 4

Staying inside and off my feet due to an injury and I’m trying to make the most of this “downtime” so I’ve been doing some very much needed file management on my home laptop and desktop machines, plus I”ve taken … Continue reading

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LYS, take 2: Day 7, Thursday, July 3

Nothing much to say. It was a day at work, then an evening at home. Bored with my physical limitations. Grumpy about it even.

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LYS, take 2: Day 6, Wednesday, July 2

Ankle is still swollen and painful to walk on. I’m finally off of dance for a while and planned to do all sort of of walking or biking to work, but I can barely hobble gracefully to the car right … Continue reading

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LYS, take 2: Day 5, Tuesday, July 1

Cute shoes yesterday, even though they were flats, mean a painful case of Achilles tendinitis today, at least that is what the P.A. told me today at my appointment. Back to my wearing Keens with my skirts and dresses! I’m … Continue reading

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LYS, take 2: Day 4, Monday, June 30

First day back at work since Missy died. Probably should not have gone in since I snapped at one of my office mates almost as soon as I got in. I did my usual where I come in and try … Continue reading

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