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- Tuesday, May 23, day 79 – too warm for pants now! May 23, 2023
- Thursday, May 18, day 77 lunchtime walks May 18, 2023
- Tuesday, May 16, day 76 – loose dog, high winds May 17, 2023
- Monday, May 15, day 75 – two more miles May 15, 2023
- Thursday, May 11, day 72 – signs of spring May 11, 2023
Category Archives: TTSL Daily
In addition to TTSL Daily: daily walks!
I’m adding some more walks to the five days a week TTSL training since I want to be able to hike this summer and have a couple of bigger goals set for myself. I walked almost a 5k yesterday and … Continue reading
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take 2, week 1, day 5: not dead yet
Yesterday as part of my workout I did 60 squats and 100 kettle ball swings with a 10# kb. I thought this was going to be a lot harder than it was. I’m not ready to go up to a … Continue reading
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Take 2, week 1, day 4: Active Rest is 1.5 miles long
Nice day to walk along the river.
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Take 2, week 1, day 3: Lunges and squats
So tired.
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Take 2, week 1, day 2: Flex it like T- Rex
So many burpees and lunges today. And who knew a “weighted deadbug” would be so freaking hard? Yes that’s a T-Rex on my booty! Channel that dino and flex!!
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New members in the cult of awesomepants
I completed the last six weeks of TTSL DAily and during that time I’ve been chatting rather nonstop about how hard it’s been with some of my gal pals on my slack channel about it so I was very surprised … Continue reading
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TTSL Take 2 – week 1, day 1: In the top three hardest workouts yet
This was a rough one: this challenge is called the Murphy and named after a Marine. That alone was enough to make me frightened of what is in store for us during this round. Today was lunges, squats, pushups and … Continue reading
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But this is me relearning to jump rope at age 52. It’s fucking hysterical. And I’m understanding why we do all the warmup hops. This has brought back my laugh, even if it’s just to laugh at myself for the … Continue reading
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week 6, day 3: first outside walk of the year
It’s been a heck of a winter and the snow load is still really high. Today was the first day I could finally walk to the river from my house on dry ground so I decided to take a walk … Continue reading
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Week 6, day 2: inchworm by inchworm
More milestones: I did 10 inchworms today! I couldn’t do one five weeks ago. THIS IS HUGE. I held a real plank for 20secs at at time, totalling one minute. I never though I would be able to do this … Continue reading
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