Category Archives: TTSL Daily

Week 6, day 1: signs of improvement

Much of the reason for me joining this program was because was because I was starting to feel old and weak. My normal routines of walking and yoga were not getting me where I wanted to be and trying to … Continue reading

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Week 5, day 4: I never thought I would look forward to the “Active Rest” days

I’m tired. This workout routine is kicking my butt. It’s also making me stronger and giving me back some functionality I had lost over the last year, but it’s not easy and I’m tired. I’m really happy I only have … Continue reading

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Week 5, day 3: I am Wonder Woman

Another new pair of shorts today and these ones make me feel like I’m Wonder Woman. I needed the extra confidence boost today too since I’m feeling really low energy and only did about 75% of my workout. But that’s … Continue reading

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Week 5, day 2: squat and press

More new shorts! It’s surprising hard to get good pics of these, but these have some kind of skulls and are 100% squat-proof. I know because I did 18 squats holding an 8# dumbbells in each hand and they held … Continue reading

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Week 5, day 1: “A Fiercer Posterior”

Out of the five new pairs I got in the mail today, the one pair of new workout shorts that I thought would be the ones that I didn’t like are the first pair that I grabbed for today. I … Continue reading

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Week 3, day 4: “A Lethal Combo” aka A test of Sprints and Strength

Front squats and then four sets of Sprints of 200m and 12 box steps. FOUR SETS. I like how clearly you can see them on my heart rate chart. These were hard, even though my idea of running is fast … Continue reading

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Week 4, day 4: Out of this world workout

In the past four weeks this makes my 20th workout. I’m pretty pleased with myself for keeping this up. Before signing up for this workout routine I had no idea what AMRAP meant, but now I know it means whatever … Continue reading

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Week 4, day 3: Active Rest Days are the best days

There was a time when I would have considered 30minutes on the bike or treadmill a decent workout. Now it’s my “active rest day” and that the best day of the workout week right now since I know I can … Continue reading

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Week 4, day 2: lunges can go to hell

The workout for today was called “Introducing The Lungester” and I now officially hate lunges. I’m not great at them to start with and had to heavily modify this crazy movement (no weights used and my failed attempt to scale … Continue reading

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Week 4, day 1: all the fucking cardio

Today was a ton of cardio. Not. Dead. Yet. So much “running” in this working, but I did it all. Granted my running is more like fast shambling, but the fact that I can even shamble with my shitty lungs … Continue reading

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