Category Archives: TTSL Daily

TTSL DAILY day 5: Kettle ball swings and all the squats, but really…I’m fine.

I spent all day looking at the exercises for tonight and stressing about the STRENGTH and METCON parts yet when I actually got started it took me 26 minutes to get through the warm up and that was without doing … Continue reading

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Day 4: “Active Rest Day” and All I wanna do is Bicycle!! Because fat bottomed girls make the rocking world go round.

I don’t have any green workout gear to wear yet (come on Medusa print capris, arrive at my door already) and hate the idea of St Patrick chasing snakes since I keep snakes and adore all my slithery friends, but … Continue reading

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TTSL Daily #3: hopping is for the damn bunnies

TTSL Day 3.  I really hope the zombies we are training to outrun are the slow shambling ones from the original Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. Cardio is so hard for me with my COPD. My heartrate was through … Continue reading

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TTSL Day 2: Inchworms are worse than situps?

I made it through day 2 of my first TTSL daily cycle. Who knew I would despise inchworms so much? I despise them almost as much as the 40 situps I did in lieu of “toe to bar”. Surprisingly I … Continue reading

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TTSL Day 1: Hateful Burpees

I just survived my first ever Thick Thighs Save Lives (TTSL) Daily workout. I thought I’d have trouble with the “running” which I knew would be walking on the treadmill but it was the damn burpee’s that’s just about did … Continue reading

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