Habits of a Bad Blogger

It’s been over a month since my last blog. I think I am just too busy! I moved to Alaska for a variety of reasons, but one of the BIG ones was because we wanted to start to enjoy our time together more, and stop being such work work work people. SO what do I do just one year after I get to Alaska? I open a dance studio, with a small retail store in it, on top of having a full time job.

Hence my recent silence.

I assure you all we are fine. I am just busy and Michael is not a blogger. I swear I will get our pictures from our cross continent move up on the gallery eventually, as well as the photos from old versions of my website. SOMEDAY.

I actually am taking the whole week of the Thanksgiving holiday off from teaching classes and plan to spend some time on me. But that means mostly moving to a ‘new to me’ computer that I bought a few months ago and hav not had the time to move my apps and data to, something I REALLY need to do since my home PC has a failing hard drive.

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