Its all kind of a blur right now, but one of the blurs that leaves a happy warm fuzzy feeling in your heart. I had so much fun! And so much shopping and dancing my body and brain was screaming at me last night as I tried to teach and share the wealth of information that I picked up.
And no Ice!
The dance classes were so much fun, and so informative that I am still trying to decipher my notes! Picked up some sassy new twists on tribal combinations from the adorably funny and hot lady Rachel, as well as rekindling my love with the veil in her Sunday class, the fan class, much like Onca, was sassy sexy fun, and Jennifer’s yoga class reminded me how much I miss having yoga in my daily schedule of late!
The Show – DAMN. I wish I could remember more – can’t wait for the video to refresh my memory! It was a little warm in the room, and I had a couple glasses of wine combined with some Night quill since I have been fighting a cough for weeks now, so everything was VERY SUPER SHINY. Folks I saw last year that I have befriended since like Gypsy Red Tribe was awesome with their fan dance, Devyani was perfectly precise and pretty, Awalim KICKED major A$$, and other groups I discovered last year were great treats too: Masmoodi and the Naughties were amazing hip hop funkified, Blue Moon Bellydance had an amazing pairs of sword and pot dancer and Dance of the Fates were ginormous winged beauties to behold! I also finally got to see some of my tribe friends perform that I only knew from tribe – The ladies in Mandara can spin like a whirling dervish, Onca & Baraka Mundi were a HOOT with their saloon girl Flamenco fusion outfits and fan dancing (open ….and close and open and close them fans like you mean it, and they did!!), and so many others that were wonderful to watch as well!
Drum class on Sunday rocked my world – I was a little intimidated to take a class with master drummers Solace and Tim Rayburn, but they made it a lot of fun! I didn’t know I could drum for so long and keep up with the others! And I am so proud of my student; she came to that class having never done drumming before and did great! Happy thoughts and total sense of contentment….
The video room – freaking awesome! I mentioned this elsewhere (Tribal Style, A Documentary tribe) but what a GREAT thing this was! I popped in to see some of the films that were playing at this event. They used a projection system and a big screen and it was BEAUTIFUL! Life sized dancers performing on the screen – wahoozah! I wanted to stay in that room the whole weekend and watch all the videos but alas I had also signed up for every single TribalCon workshop and couldn’t stay….
And now we have to wait a WHOLE YEAR before we can do it again?
Thanks again Awalim!