Nice long weekend. I worked more than I would have liked, and got less done than I planned.
Battled with the Dwarfs of Disorganization and won back the dance room, including moving a dresser into the newly organized closet that is now dedicated to workout/dance clothing.
Laundry gnomes have been dispatched, and in their place are clean folded or hung up and put away clothes, no longer taking over the tops of dressers, piled high in laundry baskets threatening to spill out or already on the floorspace in my room. Nearly a revelation!
And, the Ogres of Chaos have been beaten back into hiding, with THE PILE of filing and sorting that has taken over our dining room table nearly completed.
This means packing for the General Skills workshop this coming week will be easy; I know where everything is!
Have enjoyed many meals at home, cooked by my wonderful DH.
Took a long walk by the river. Went to the Farmers Market, bought a couple lettuce plants and some herbs, still need to pot them before I leave for the GS.
Watched some good movies and some bad ones:
Daybreakers was bad, but in a really fun way. Independence Day is our annual treat for this holiday, and this year we decided to watch the special edition. Extra scenes were worth the extended time. Invention of Lying was cute, but not worth going to the theater. Fortunately we do most of our movie watching through our personal collection, or via Netflix. Have watched too many episodes of Farscape to keep track of, and just one episode of Star Gate. I know the end for SG-1 is coming (we are on season ten), and I hate ending so I tend to prolong them.
Never got the yard mowed, but DH has vowed to get it done while I am gone. It really is a meadow right now and I feel bad for him having to do it alone, but every time we were ready to work, it rained!