Attempts at organization

Today was day two of the “great unpacking of the costuming supply closet organization and elimination event”. After being frustrated and tired of not being able to find supplies like my coins and turkoman buttons when I wanted them, I have dedicated many blocks of time over the past two days to unpacking of many boxes, bags and tubs of stuff and reorganizing my entire costuming closet so that I could better work on project in the upcoming months.

One large and organized under-drawer tub for me and I have my Banjara trim and excess material for bra tops, as well as lots of coins, Turkoman buttons and cowries shells for decoration. And, I decided that I have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF so there are four smaller supply tubs of extra DIY materials, trim, yarn and some premade tassels that will be going out at the studio, just in time for the costuming workshop next weekend.

Maybe now I’ll get that second coin bra done after all these years now that I can find everything.


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