Friday, with much suffering.

Today would be one of those times I am envious of folks who can take prescription pain meds and medications without any kind of side affects. Sadly, I am not one of those people. And it seems I grow back wisdom teeth (yes, I know they don’t actually grow back, but dentist is thinking I have a second one that took the first one’s place). Either that or I am confused about which one was removed and subsequently put me in the E.R., which I rather doubt……

It all started with a sharp pain in my upper left side of my mouth, tooth number 15 to be exact, the day after my birthday. Went to the dentist and found out I needed a root canal and since tooth number 14 needed to have the metal filling replaced, they figured they would do it as part of the two-step procedure.

Root canal went surprising well. I even taught two classes that night and felt fine.

Fast forward three or so weeks and I go in to get the permanent crown cemented, while also having the metal filling replaced with amalgam. That procedure seemed to go well enough as one can expect. That was a Wednesday, just 5 days before Halloween. On Halloween I went back for a minor adjustment to the crown that seems to be riding high and/or bumping into the new filling and make my bite off just a bit, feeling otherwise fine.

One week later I was back in the dentist with issue with pain in the upper quadrant, as well as suffering from weird hot flashes and cold sweats that even kept me awake one night. Hubby and I figured I had an infection of some sort so I went back for a second follow-up. Not sure what was going on, but thinking 14 might need a root canal, dentist sent me home with a penicillin script.

After one full day of of taking the penicillin, my mouth and throat became sore, a common/known side effect. Decided to wait another day before I did anything. Work up today and my mouth was on fire, my glands swollen, and the total opposite side of my mouth, the back of my mouth were I thought I had a wisdom tooth pulled was sore and swollen. GREAT.

Back to the dentist, but since my dentist is out of town I get referred to his brother-in-law (found out after the visit was over). Seems I either had a second one that is irritated, or I forgot which side of my mouth was traumatized a decade ago. Either way, they send me home with a new script for an antibiotic that “most people don’t react to” and instructions to clean the gums over the wisdom tooth better with a wee little toothbrush they give me.

Oh, and I have used up my dental insurance allotment for the year so this visit and x-ray fee comes straight out of pocket.


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