Introducing Katy Lady, also known as Kitty Baby. She is a VERY fluffy but otherwise tiny cat with a flat face and tons of love to share with humans. She is also 15 years old!
She spent the night crawling ALL OVER ME and seems to love me and Michael. She does not want to leave the guest room though and still hisses and growls a bit when “Bug the Cat” or “Shadow Buddy” come in, usually to eat her food so I can’t really blame her for hissing.
“Bug the Cat” is now just curious about her and does not understand why she is hissing; he seems to have totally forgot he was HISSING SPITTING GROWLING mad (and scaring me to be quite honest!) at me just two days ago when I first brought “Katy Lady” into our house.
“Shadow Buddy” is indifferent for the most part; he just wants to be petted.

Hide under here, maybe no one can find me!

Can you believe she is 15 years old?

Old kitty, pretty kitty, great big ball of fur!