Failure getting the water to work in the RV

Short story, bought an RV sort of “on a whim” late last summer, had the brakes fixed then parked it for the winter. Just getting around to finally trying to figure out how everything works since I’ve never even been a passenger in a RV, much less the person responsible for getting everything working.

I got the other major systems running, now I am just trying to get water flowing, then I’ll look at the water heater…..

I’ve put water in the water tank (photo below, I’ve only got one and I’m not clear how much it holds) until water drained out the bottom, so I think that means it’s full. It didn’t take very long though (as compared to filling the 5 gallon Aqua-tainers I usually take camping, this process seemed really fast) so I’m wondering if it had water in it that sat all winter and might still be frozen?

I’ve turned on the compressor and waited at least 10 minutes for it to build pressure. Nothing is coming out of the sinks, although I can see that there is some water in the tubes that come from the water tank. I also see SOMETHING (hopefully not ice, but the idea of anything else seems even worse) in the tube right under the oven (the line between the kitchen sink and the back of the coach) which makes me think it is plugged and I’ll need to pull it apart to get that stuff out (photo below).

I’m also thinking I need to bleach my system, but I’m not sure how to get the bleach into the system since I filled it with a hose (pressure fill, I think this is called). Is the cap above it that seems to be a (most likely non-functional) pressure gauge supposed to come off for filling with a bucket (gravity fed)? It’s on there super tight and I’m having trouble unscrewing it. It could be stuck on from age but I want to be sure before I break it trying to get it off….


How to put the water into the tank. Frozen open.


Original steel water tank that are about 43 years old. Plan to replace it.


Probably ice in the lines. It disappeared eventually….

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