I spent most of the weekend on a project to turn the table/bed into a full-sized grownup bed instead of one for short people / children. As it was, it was barely 5’7″ and I’m nearly 5’8″ so for me to sleep there I would have had to curl up and not stretch out and I did not like that idea at all.
So we cut the back support of the seat closest to the steps, put in a piano hinge, a support leg on a hinge and now we just need to install a slide lock to keep the back up when we want to use it as a table. Â I’m not sure these photos do justice to what we accomplished, but I’m taking the RV out for my first overnight this weekend and I’ll get better ACTION photos then 🙂
These are in-between photos. I still have some touch up to do to the paint on the back since that plywood splintered like crazy, but I want to be sure this will work out the way I hope and plan to test it this weekend.
I also got a CO alarm, fire alarm, fire extinguisher and a thermometer/humidity gauge installed. I’m wondering how cold it will be in Denali this weekend and if we need to use the furnace.
Oh! And I fixed the window that was flapping open which had been taped shut with the metal ducting tape that cuts you. Â All the sticky had come off and I found the original bracket that was just missing the screw to hold it in place so now this window stays shut when I drive!
I’ve got some cleanup to do to get the sticky residue off and need to replace the screen, but we are still in the 20-30F temps at night so it’s not a rush to get that screen replaced just yet.
No more flapping window! Â This is the before pic. Â I forgot to get an after pic and the RV is at the shop getting a tuneup before I take her out this weekend so the after pic will have to wait 🙂

First photo here the bed before, at just 5’7.”

The back of the seat with the modifications.

The leg support.

The bed with the extra 11 inches to stretch out (feet only on this end) fully extended. Turns out the cushions tend to slide under movement from a person sleeping so I need to glue some drawer liner to the wood to prevent the slippage.

Fire extinguisher, smoke detector and CO2 detector, plus a thermostat.

Window with broken bracket which was taped closed but the tape had come loose so the window flaps. I fixed it though!