Saturday was a beautifully and just slightly cloudy day for a ride and rain was not expected until the early evening so around noon Michael and I rode to Hilltop for some brunch. We then continued down the road to Wickersham Dome where we got off the bikes to stretch our legs then came back home, going about 80 miles round-trip. We spent a couple hours riding, taking our time to enjoy the scenery along the way; I don’t think I will ever tire of looking at the gorgeous skies in Alaska.
Sunday was a gray day and I decided to make myself some homemade (vegan) pancakes with Alaskan blueberries I picked a week ago. It is a fairly well-known fact that I don’t like cooked fruit; pie is something I would only eat if there was nothing else left in the world to eat after the Zombie Apocalypse and even then I might find canned goods or chemical-laden dried good more palatable. There are a few exceptions to my “cooked fruit is bad†rule, blueberry muffins being one of them, so I thought I might enjoy blueberry pancakes. Alaskan blueberries tend to be tart and it turns out I don’t care for tartness in my pancakes. At least Michael enjoyed them!

First stop at Hilltop. Brunch!

Can you guess whose is whose?

The Imperial family that rides together…

Stopping to enjoy the scenery.

I took a similar photo in this same location when I rode out to Wickersham Dome Trail last year.

Across the street from Wickershame Dome Trailhead.

Gorgeous skies.


The last frontier: big skies and few folk.

Second stop at Hilltop. Michael gets pie.

They looked and smelled delicious in the pan!

Photo perfection.