Busy, busy me!

Started the day with coffee and a coffeecake-like thing for breakfast on the deck. Lovely.

Posted trooping pictures to outpost site and fan page. First thing crossed off the list!

Then I started with gardening. I replanted three inside plants that appear to be dying. Watered everything that I have outside, which is no small feat. Prepped to move lettuce into raised bed and re-potted tomatoes into larger pots. Filled bins for potatoes, moved three more wheelbarrows of dirt and just need to cut up the seed potatoes and put them in into bin. another thing crossed off the list!

Meanwhile, Michael was working on the wall so that we can drywall over the weird little window between the living room and kitchen before we finish painting the living room wall behind the TV the bright yellow that is also in the upstairs hall.

While we wait for the Spackle to dry, I finally was able to post all the Midnight Sun Festival videos.

Spackle is still drying. Guess we won’t be painting today! Pictures to come tomorrow. Now, for rest, popcorn and CSI.

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