The duality of my life: I am currently enjoying the warmth and comfort of my Starfleet Academy sweatshirt on a chilly evening after a day of trooping which was good other than it included wearing my old, bad boots that hurt my feet and getting kicked in the face.
Thankfully my helmet protect me from a direct hit, but my nose and brow really hurts and I wonder if it will be darkly bruised tomorrow or not.
Back to typing since I have a 97 minute audio file transcript due by end of day tomorrow.
Update 7/5/2012:
After a night of fitful sleeping dreams of waking to a badly bruised and swollen face, when I got up this morning and looked in the mirror I was surprised to see my nose still only had barely any bruising on it. Hooray!
Explanation of how I got kicked:
Got kicked in the face by some woman who wanted her picture taken with the group of us, then decided without really consulting us that we should hold her in a horizontal fashion. She picked up one leg for us to hold, which I was prepared to hold, but then she kicked up her other leg so that she would be fully held up by us. If we had good vision, it would not have been a problem, but we don’t see so well in those helmets and her foot hit me right in the face before I knew what was happening. Ouch! I was actually a bit surprised I didn’t have blood running down my face when it happened. Guess I have a tough head 🙂