Started the day with coffee on “the veranda” as Michael called it. Lovely.
So much done today and I am pretty tired, but happy. Got two coats of paint on the walls and I am still smiling about it. Moved potato bins into place, which meant moving the old tires that I had used for potatoes in that spot and the left over dirt that has become grass, out of the way.
Cleaned all the snake cages. They were stinky and since I work from home and the snake room is also my office, this was much needed.
Got much work done on the fall workshop registration and once I finalize it in the next couple of days I’ll put it out for Early Bird Registrations.
Relocated all laundry to garage near washer and dryer, which also meant moving a bunch of stuff around in the garage. Will be moving my hanging clothes back into the main closet (the experiment with using the spare room has not panned out, plus we have company coming end of this month as well as October and December and need the spare room for guests).
Fed the snakes too. Everyone ate something except for Gozer, because he is shedding and refused what I offered.
Good grief, that can’t be all. I am too tired for that to be all I did today.
Promised pictures, I know, but they will have to wait until tomorrow.