yoga as therapy

Saturday’s class was less yoga and more therapeutic. One of those “It’s good for you” types of classes  even though it might not feel so great while you do it. It was essentially a private lesson too since I was the only one there so we talked a bit while we worked on our “Myofascial Roll & Release.”  A great refresher on what I already knew and I picked up a few more tricks too.

During our class the teacher and I chatted intermittently. The topic of me having the RYT 200 hour came up, but she seemed most interested in my dance and mentioned she had done Hula with another local teacher.  She knew of my studio and even knew Tribal Wallah by name.  About midway through our class she said:

“I’ll be your tribe misses you”

Twinge. Pangs of guilt.  But also release.

I’m not sure I actually replied with anything since she said something about not doing hula anymore and missing it but filling it with something else. I think I nodded. And then I spent the rest of the class thinking about that and in fact I’m just now getting around to really processing it:

I’m thinking even the Buddha might have trouble with this non-attachment.  But it had to go.  And yet it is missed.


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