TTSL Day 6: Bruised and sweating but no tears

After going shopping on Saturday for some new equipment, getting a proper STEP, immediately trying jump on it and FALLING ON MY FACE AND WRECKING MY KNEECAP I decided to swapped Saturday and Sunday so I just did this the day 6 workout today.

First time trying a barbell technique called SNATCHES and I’m not sure im doing them right, but my shoulders and back are pretty sure they did enough work to count even with just 10#. Same goes for my lunges and squats. Not terribly low or impressive but I was dripping sweat so im sure its better than nothing.

Warm up: 💪
Strength: A:10#, B:unweighted
Endurance: 1st 3:47, 2nd 3:46 (both 8# total dbs)
Metcon: 10# (band for ohs) Time: 26:12

This kicked my butt. But I did it.

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