Funny story, it turns bright red just like my face does when I drink alcohol. Trippy!
This workout was what I would call “muscle-based”, lots of weights to be lifted with not so much body weight exercises or tons of cardio. My barbell weight capacity is still low: 20# for overhead press, but I’m keeping the bar level and my shoulder is not screaming at me. I tried 25# and my shoulder loudly squeaked at me at just a couple test reps and there was a total of 25 to be done so I backed down to 20#. There were also 40 situps to be done, but I managed those wellenough.

Overall I find these days easier than the body weight ones since so much of body weight involves upper body and my shoulder and wrist just doesn’t like the full weight of me just yet.
Thankfully it was easier since my fucking quads are screaming.