Week 4, day 4: Out of this world workout

In the past four weeks this makes my 20th workout. I’m pretty pleased with myself for keeping this up.

Before signing up for this workout routine I had no idea what AMRAP meant, but now I know it means whatever they are asking us to do will be hard and last FOREVER.

For this workout I was supposed to do a total of 18 Zombie Squats (I used DB instead of a barbell since this hurts my shoulder) followed by 3 sets of 200m/100m run/walk then came the AMRAP: 20 minutes of rounds of 5 sit-ups (in lieu of Toes to Bat), 10 DB Push Press and 20 KBHP (in lieu of Cal Rows).

I lasted just over 5 minutes. The KBHP (Kettle Ball High Pulls) are really hard and my right shoulder drops a ton so I gave up after the second set. I need to set up a pulley system with a KB so I can emulate rowing instead of these High Pulls until my shoulder is strong enough to do it evenly.

Even cutting out nearly 15 minutes I worked 52 minutes.

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