Day four of confirmed Covid.
I got to urgent care yesterday morning and was able to get a prescription for paxlovid as well as some other meds to help. I was also told I should be using my nebulizer daily. Yesterday was pretty rough and I was so congested and full of mucus that I couldn’t even lay down to nap without massive coughing fits which lead to episodes of dry heaving. It’s not pretty but that’s what happens.
It feels like the meds are finally taking effect though. Last night I finally got some sleep without any fever effects. I still had coughing fits, but the rx cough meds and mucinexDm really seems to finally be helping so that I can lay down and sleep.
Poor Michael just tested positive. I’ve sent him off to urgent care so that hopefully we can eliminate a couple of days of being very very uncomfortable by getting him on a prescription sooner than I got.
We have friends that will help us if we really need something but I think we just have to hunker down for the next few days and get better.