Pseudo-tradition of the X-Files marathon

I’ve been a fan of watching X-Files marathons on Thanksgiving since they ran back in the days the Sci-Fi channel could spell its name correctly and marathons on the t.v. were the only way I could afford to see X-Files. I recall watching them when my daughter and I had just move to Colorado in 1994!

Now I own many of the box sets and could watch them any time I want, yet there is something about watching hours and hours of X-Files over the holiday and into the weekend that is semi-therapeutic for me. We finished season five last night and as much as I liked the show, I never did watch the entire series until the very end since that means it would really be over; this is my little way of making sure the show is still alive, at least in my brain. Into years seven, eight and nine of the show my weekly attention to watch the show really faltered so some of the episodes are actually new to me.

We’ve watched half of season six today, while I’ve done laundry, made egg-less cake for the first time in my Kitchen-Aid mixer and had leftovers. I have never gone to a Black Friday sale and much prefer my pseudo-tradition of staying at home and hanging out with my family for two days straight while letting my brain rest from interaction with the rest of the world.


Kitchen-Aid and egg-less cake

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