Inappropriate, yet funny, dialogue at work : )

I work in an office where I am the only female. Frequently the two younger men in my office (under the age of 29) make comments and then go “Oh, wait, that wasn’t appropriate for the workplace was it?”

Sometimes it is funny, sometimes a bit lewd, and usually has to do with poddy humor.

Today’s dialogue started with talking about “Harikari”, or Japanese suicide by warriors. One guy came into the office I share with the other guy, and said that word, and said ‘wait, that doesn’t sound right, is that right? He was pronouncing it like “Hairy Carrie” and then said, that sound more like a stripper name. (Joyce rolls her eyes here, and then has to laugh).

This turned into a conversation when he said a friend told him that stripper picked their names based on their first pet, and the first street they live on.

Good to know, my stripper name is “Mandy Forhan”.

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