Co-worker lost her husband of 33 years yesterday to cancer. She’s been out of the office pretty much since I started back at work so that she could be with him since they knew it was coming. I never meet him, but I feel so bad for her. She is a strong person and has two sons and two grand-kids to take care of and that will help her though this time, but my heart hurts for her.
I was not exposed to death as a kid and the fortunate part of having ‘my family start with me’ is that there is not a lot of folks around me that I see die, but it also makes it really hard since I’ve barely been touched by death. And the older I get, the less sure I am about how to react or even be or behave appropriately around people who have been touched by death. I listen well. I don’t really like to hug. I hope listening is enough……