New Year’s Eve

Worked a few hours on New Year’s Eve then went snowboarding for the first time in about 15 years. Full photos here

I have a really old Burton board that I have dragged around with me from Colorado to Florida and now to Alaska. She was used when I got her, which makes her ‘vintage’ now. When I got her, I had just started learning and had only been snowboarding MAYBE four times, but liked it so much I invested in a good pair of googles and boots, which, like the board, have been stored and moved around for the last 15 or so years. All equipment worked just fine though and I got at least a half a dozen compliments on my board.

I went with a friend and her husband.

I spent most of my time on my knees. This sport should be called falling down, at least my version of it should.

After snowboarding we met Michael for some food at Seoul Gate.

Then a few errands, plus a run to HooDoo Brewery for some growler fills.

And finally fireworks at the university.

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