Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse

I came home from troupe rehearsal last night to find hubby had finally gone out and got us a new 12 gauge shot gun and ammo. He has been talking about how much we need guns for home protection, protection against bears, and in case of zombie attack so of course, I am delighted!

While technically the new shotgun is his, coupled with the smaller one we already have that I handle better, it seems we are now ready to face a small Zombie Apocalypse, though with just three small boxes of buckshot in the house, I am already looking to buy cases of ammo for the new shotgun. Just to be safe… can never be too ready for the end of the world after all. Hubby started teaching me all about guns last night; I can identify the breach, barrel, receiver, safety, trigger, stock, and the place the you look to find out if the gun is loaded – what is that part called again??).

I suppose I should learn to shoot now too. Funny that Mary was just asking before troupe rehearsal if she and I should be taking shooting lesson or heading out to the shooting range for some practice. She plans to make her way to our compound in case of the zombie attack; she has mad cooking skills, seems to be quite the survivor and I think she could become quite a good addition to our compound. We won’t talk about what she wants in exchange for her great food though 🙂

Hubby is already looking at obtaining more guns, because, one can never have enough during a zombie attack. Eventually I will need to learn how to handle all of them, and I am thinking I might learn crossbow skills too (noise attracts zombies, and crossbows are nice and quiet!).

Just remember, if you decide to come to our house during said Zombie Attack, you will need to Zaghareet so that we know you are not one of the living dead.

Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse

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