Clucking Blossom and Cake

Cold Fusion Tribal Dance (CFTD) performed at Clucking Blossom this past weekend. Rachel, Liz and Fruitcake did a Bollywood dance, Mary did her sword solo, and all of us present performed Lunatics. Out of 37 pictures, 6 were of dirt and I tossed out the other 20 or so because they were not portraying us as anything other than gorgeous or awesome : )

Sadly we didn’t get any pictures of the Lunatics performance because I asked Priscilla, our Fabulous Personal Assistant For the Day, to video that performance but it was wobbly with too many people walking in front of it to really use it. Hopefully some pictures of Lunatics will crop up shortly! The rest can be viewed starting here

Dancing with CFTD is fun and challenges me to step outside of my Improvisational Box to learn choreography so I am learning some new skills, plus, I am working on my performance persona more than I would have with just my own troupe, but more than anything I appreciate the friendship of these ladies.

It was also Mary’s last birthday where she is still “younger than Jesus” (her words!) so, I made cupcakes and we enjoyed them post-performance. These were from a ginger chocolate recipe I found in a cookbook I recently purchased at B&N called Cupcakes by Pamela Clark. This book is full of gorgeous pictures with cupcakes that include ingredients for an adult palate. They turned out pretty good, and I am looking forward to making more!


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