Not a great start to the day

Shitty way to start the day, getting a “PARKING TICKET” when there was no problem with my parking. While they claim to be the “nicer” parking authority, the Fairbanks Parking Authority still seems to think it is their place to ticket people whose vehicle registration is out of date, but they get to profit from it and make my day start out SHITTY.

I was in the studio for MAYBE 10 minutes. Dropped off some equipment and came out to find him at the tail of my car with his booklet out and writing up a ticket.

Once I’m done being angry, I’ll be thankful, because this is just one more reason for me to say “I’m done.” Done with the stress of trying to run my own business. Done with dealing with the lack of parking and the harassment that the Fairbanks Parking Authority gives to me and my customers.

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