Another dance day. Another long day at work. But tonight is man date night for my sweet honey so I might actually get to go home and have some me time to spend in my dance room doing a bit of yoga. That’s my hope at least.Â
Pranayama:  Started the exercises this morning from bed, but then I fell back asleep. Thought I would try again before going bed, but as it turns out I didn’t.  “It is what it is.â€
Yoga: Incorporated some personal practice while I was teaching the dance conditioning class. At the end of class, like on Tuesday, some of my students who are also some of my dearest friends, wanted to hear more about my weekend, so we talked about my weekend of ‘soggy feet’ (see blog entry – link coming) as well as how excited I was about learning the history behind poses, plus I showed some of the hand-on assisting we learning this past weekend.
Ahimsa:  This is our last day of focusing on Ahimsa and I am very aware that I have a tendency towards non-harm in just about all aspects of life; I tend towards veganism and only eat non-commercially raised humane treated meat on the rare occasions I do eat chicken, and the majority of my animal-based protein comes from wild caught fish. I’ve become softer and kinder with my words with age and am at a point in my personal relations with immediate family where things are mostly easy: it has not always been like this so I’m grateful for this time. My hardest time with this concept is towards myself. I’ve been working more and more on being okay with “it is what it is.â€Â It seems to help!
Observe— Honor— Activate
In the absence of harming there is peace. In what ways do we harm ourselves or others? Through what thoughts, actions and speech do we violate ahimsa? In what environments are you more likely to violate the principle of non-harming. How much time to you spend in these environments and how can you neutralize the experience with Ahimsa? Is there a touchstone, mantra or awareness that you can engage to support ahimsa feelings actions and speech? Over the next three days, without judgment, please observe, then honor and then activate the essence of ahimsa.