Friday, April 18: day one of three for Satya


Pranayama:   None.

Yoga:  None.

Satya:  I fell behind on my accountability and am writing this on Sunday instead of Friday.  I know I did not do any yoga and am pretty sure I did not do any pranayama.   I put in a full day at work and then had plans to work on costuming with my troupe.  In our gathering we frequently snack and I had asked Michael to buy some frozen pizzas to have on hand in case anyone needed food while we worked.  We finally made the pizzas around 10:30pm and though I am trying really hard to stay with a vegan diet for a combination of lactose issues and more important to me, compassion for the animals that produce the dairy products, sometimes I give in.  Instead of being directly honest about why I was avoiding cheese  i skirted the issue when the girls made some very innocent inquiries.  I didn’t lie, but I was not 100% truthful either and focused on the dietary reasons.  I’ve been thinking about that for a couple of days now and I wonder why I did that.

Satya: Truth.

It seems so simple, yet it can sometimes be quite complicated. Be True to yourSelf. May we have the strength to disregard the temptation to take any path but the Truth. Dishonesty, even if it seems easier in the moment, is toxic and inevitably painful to all.

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