Sunday, April 20: day three of three for Satya


Pranayama:  None.

Yoga:  None.

Satya: I mentioned this was the last day of this Yama and that I was going to be honest when the topic of buying more hip scarves came up.  I said I would do it, but not today and not anytime immediately.  Good for me! Usually I just agree to do something and add it to a list and then feel badly when I fall behind.  I was totally honest about what I’m capable of taking on right now and my troupe was very accepting.  Satya for the win today!

Tomorrow the schedule should resume to some level of normalcy.  Planning on going to yoga at UAF after work, something I really need for myself right now.


Satya: Truth.

It seems so simple, yet it can sometimes be quite complicated. Be True to yourSelf. May we have the strength to disregard the temptation to take any path but the Truth. Dishonesty, even if it seems easier in the moment, is toxic and inevitably painful to all.

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