Tuesday, April 22: Day two of three, Asteya

Yoga:  No yoga practice.  Although I taught my own classes for two and a half hours and between warm-up and cool downs twice, I feel like I get enough personal practice on these days.

Pranayama: Too busy to make time to add something new.

Asteya: Teaching days like today are such a blur for me. Between a new project at work where I’m having to learn a lot of new ways of doing things, trying to ensure I am half-way prepared for two classes and the upcoming recital, I am barely getting through each day. I’ve also realized that I’m probably a bit perturbed at the timing of this LYS since I just cannot fit more into my days right now and I’m going to be okay with essentially failing this first LYS.


Asteya = Non-StealingFor the next three days we will focus on making conscious choices, taking only what we need & practicing generosity and gratitude.Lets pay attention to the ways in which we covet or steal from others and also with-hold pleasures from ourselves. The more we want to be someone else, or shift our desires outward, then the less we are honoring our own divinity.

Stealing manifests in many more forms then simply taking something that does not belong to us. What ways do we take credit for things we didn’t do? When do we covet someone else’s ’stuff’ — whether they be accolades, physical items or opportunities? If we haven’t earned them, then they do not belong to us. These forms of stealing are rooted in a sense of desperation, emptiness and fear.

At the heart of Asteya is the practice of giving back, being grateful and acting with integrity and reciprocity.  You have the ability to transform scarcity into abundance and fear into faith.

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