Friday, April 25: day two of three, Brahmacharya

I woke up yesterday thinking I might TRY to do yoga naked at home (with no one else there). Then I got out of bed and realized that I prefered to get coffee and really didn’t like that idea. Today I woke up thinking the same thing, but once I actually got up I decided once again it was a bad idea.

I’ve been so busy with work and dance this week that I’ve fallen seriously behind on blogs.  I do have drafts with rough outlines started for each day so I planned to spend tomorrow morning (Saturday, April 26) working on them. The sad truth is that I’m actually writing this on Sunday, May 4.  Since our last YTT weekend I have only done an actual practice on Monday, April 21st, when I was angry, so my practice was not great. I did find time to get in another Monday practice on the 28th (blog coming soon) and I do want to find time for yoga, but I have not had a day off since the weekend before our last YTT training (April 5th to be exact) and I’m realizing I’m probably subconsciously fighting it since I’m a bit perturbed about having to do this now because the timing is all wrong for me and I just don’t have room to fit anything else into my schedule until after the big recital next weekend. I can be a great big bratty child sometimes 🙂

Yoga:  Still not building a regular practice.  May.  I can start this in May!

Pranayama:   Still not building a regular practice.  May.  I can start this in May!


Often translated as celibacy, a better working definition for the householder is that it’s the maintenance of your vital essences. Ojas and Tejas and Prana are three ayurvedic principles that translate as potential, radiance, and vitality.Exercising self-restraint, and leaving excess behind supports a feeling state (bhavana) of contentment (santosha). This practice also keeps the reservoir of energy (Shakti) full and ready to realize the potency of consciousness (Shiva).

Over the course of the next three days we will Observe ways in which we ‘leak’ or give away our energy. Notice when you feel depleted and observe the circumstances that are causing this depletion. Honor the underlying samskara that supports and possibly perpetuates these circumstances. Activate your consciousness to initiate the practice of brahmacharya!

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