I lost track after eight hours, but I think I spent nearly 10 hours cleaning, organizing and giving stuff away today. I can walk through my garage, now, get my bike out and even get to the front door in my house again! I’m not done yet, but this is so much better. And checked my email to find this is in line with my Living Sadhana Yama for tomorrow (Sunday): Aparigraha (greedlessness).
Yoga: Nope.
Pranayama: Nope.
Often translated as celibacy, a better working definition for the householder is that it’s the maintenance of your vital essences. Ojas and Tejas and Prana are three ayurvedic principles that translate as potential, radiance, and vitality.Exercising self-restraint, and leaving excess behind supports a feeling state (bhavana) of contentment (santosha). This practice also keeps the reservoir of energy (Shakti) full and ready to realize the potency of consciousness (Shiva).Over the course of the next three days we will Observe ways in which we ‘leak’ or give away our energy. Notice when you feel depleted and observe the circumstances that are causing this depletion. Honor the underlying samskara that supports and possibly perpetuates these circumstances. Activate your consciousness to initiate the practice of brahmacharya!
Often translated as celibacy, a better working definition for the householder is that it’s the maintenance of your vital essences. Ojas and Tejas and Prana are three ayurvedic principles that translate as potential, radiance, and vitality.Exercising self-restraint, and leaving excess behind supports a feeling state (bhavana) of contentment (santosha). This practice also keeps the reservoir of energy (Shakti) full and ready to realize the potency of consciousness (Shiva).Over the course of the next three days we will Observe ways in which we ‘leak’ or give away our energy. Notice when you feel depleted and observe the circumstances that are causing this depletion. Honor the underlying samskara that supports and possibly perpetuates these circumstances. Activate your consciousness to initiate the practice of brahmacharya!