The view from my yoga mat at the UAF outside yoga class.
What a difference a good bra, two tank tops and a better attitude can make!
The view from my mat at the UAF class today. I got sunburned, bitten by a mosquito, and even with sunglasses on the sun just about burned my eyeballs out while I got sweaty, but I still enjoyed it! And I did upward-facing dog more than twice last night too! Look at me, getting stronger!
When I came home from yoga I was hungry. Normally Mondays is curry night, but I came in the door and didn’t smell curry. Michael came to greet me, probably saw the sadness in my eyes and said, “I made the best of a bad situation.â€
Then he explained that he got stuck at work and could not get to the vet to pick up Missy’s insulin and that he didn’t get to the store for curry stuff either. Instead he managed to barely get two more doses for Missy out of the insulin I had left out on the counter (crossing fingers it is still effective!) and that he made vegan chili for me.
He’s a good one.
Caught up on some of the blog entries from last week, still have three more to do. Recital is five days away, then I get my life back and summer starts!
Today, (Sunday) we will shift our focus to the final yama; Aparigraha.
Practicing greedlessness sometimes means practicing restraint. Do you need all of the STUFF? In the next three days, do a little inventory of the unnecessary things in your life.
Negative or harming thoughts and self-imposed obstacles— Get rid of them.
Over abundance of non-perishable food items, clothes, books— Donate them
Old habits, grievances, and grudges— Release them.
Use this time to purge the excess, as well as recognizing when you are craving more than you actually Need.
Ask yourself “Is this craving fueled by fear, jealousy, cultural expectations, mindlessness or ________?†Know that you are already enough. The mantra is simply: “ I am enoughâ€
Notice how the yamas have woven together basic moral principles, that when mindfully practiced, can create a harmonic system of checks and balances. When in doubt, run the dilemma through the filter of the 5 yamas. It is bound to get caught in one of them and reveal the solution!