Yoga: Â Once again a class night. Â And a wild and energetic class at that!
Pranayama: Â Hoping to start an actual practice next week.
Aparigraha: Found more DIY costuming stuff and gave more of that stuff away. Â I hate throwing stuff away, but I like giving it away so I’m going to work on this more and more this summer.
Today, (Sunday) we will shift our focus to the final yama; Aparigraha.
Practicing greedlessness sometimes means practicing restraint. Do you need all of the STUFF? In the next three days, do a little inventory of the unnecessary things in your life.
Negative or harming thoughts and self-imposed obstacles— Get rid of them.
Over abundance of non-perishable food items, clothes, books— Donate them
Old habits, grievances, and grudges— Release them.
Use this time to purge the excess, as well as recognizing when you are craving more than you actually Need.
Ask yourself “Is this craving fueled by fear, jealousy, cultural expectations, mindlessness or ________?†Know that you are already enough. The mantra is simply: “ I am enoughâ€
Notice how the yamas have woven together basic moral principles, that when mindfully practiced, can create a harmonic system of checks and balances. When in doubt, run the dilemma through the filter of the 5 yamas. It is bound to get caught in one of them and reveal the solution!