Friday, May 2: day three of three- Saucha

Writing this in retrospect.  The day before the recital, got a massage.  Not sure what else I did, but I’m fairly confident there was no yoga or pranayam involved.




Saucha= cleanliness or purity. Saucha includes, but goes beyond, the common translation of simple cleanliness.  Showering, washing your feet and maintaining personal hygiene are means of practicing self-care, which honors the practice, and those around you in class. But the deeper meaning of Saucha is related to purity of thoughts, speech and actions. As we have discussed in TT, seeds grow into whatever their core intelligence happens to be. So, our thoughts become things, our reality is a manifestation of our feelings, and our actions are fueled by our intentions. By keeping the seeds organic (non-monsanto 😉 we will be practicing right action, speech and intention.
How do we discern which are our organic intention/action/speech and which are manifestations of our culture, trauma, and/or developmental phases? Reflect on your Dharma, your values, beliefs and your passions. When do you feel most aligned in your joy, truth and have a deep sense of embodied wisdom?These are the moments when you are practicing Saucha.Visualize judgement, fear and all negative, self-imposed dissonant feeling states are ways of violating Saucha.The old saying, “cleanliness is next to godliness” is simply stating: that purity of the Self is the same purity of the Source, which are one and the same.
Over the next three days, without judgment, notice when your thoughts, actions and speech are harming, untruthful or shame & fear based. Try to draw your self back in to the benevolence and purity of wholeness as witnessed in the union of Purusha & Prakriti, of Shiva and Shakti, of the self recognizing the Self.
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