Shortly after picking up Missy from the regular vet yesterday, she started seizing again and I knew I was not prepared or capable of getting her through the night, especially given the lack of sleep from the early Friday morning wake up. We took Missy to the emergency vet again last night to give her the best chance to make it through the night. I was really thinking that with support to get her blood sugar evened out overnight that we would be able to pick her up this morning and care for her. AS it turns out, she had seizures at the emergency vets even with support and it was petty obvious she was not going to make it on her own unless she was in intensive care, drugged to keep her seizures at minimum and that means no quality of life.
She was old, had a good life and we tried our best, but I’m sure the kindest thing to do was to let her go so we euthanized her this morning. She is now in the yard next to Julio, Sammy, Lala and Ripley.
I think the absolute hardest part of dealing with the death of a pet that has been ill is the cleanup afterwards. Everything I find that I used to help take care of that pet while it was ill is a sad reminder that pulls at the heartstrings that are already raw.