LYS, take 2: Day 1, Friday June 27

I’m writing this in retrospect, some five days after the fact. This was supposed to be the first day of our second Living Yoga Sadhana (LYS) that was Hatha-based with a focus on finding balance.

This was the last full day we had with our Missy Kitty and it involved three vet visits with massive ups and downs in our hopes for her to be able to pull through. We gave her the best chance we could, taxing her between three different vet appointments to get her continuous care and spent far more than I think I have ever spent on a vet in a 24 hour period.

When we took her to the emergency vet Friday night , I fully expected that after some 12 hours of intensive support that she would be able to come home with us, but that was not the case. It turned out to be such a sad day. No balance. Just grief.

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