LYS, take 2: Day 4, Monday, June 30

First day back at work since Missy died. Probably should not have gone in since I snapped at one of my office mates almost as soon as I got in. I did my usual where I come in and try to be very obvious about needing some queit time, time to put my stuff down, put my lunch away, get my coffee, etc, but he is so damn perky every single morning and for this non-morning person, it is quite maddening. He was just asking about my weekend and “your cat” and I snapped back, “she died!” while trying really hard to contain all the fury and venom I wanted to shower upon him, for no reason other than he greeted me. I did apologize and felt bad about it all day long. I’ve been having some trouble dealing with this office mate’s level of enthusiasm that I face every day I come into work and this was just too much I think. It may be nearly lunchtime for him, but for me it’s still morning and I need time to settle in before I start interacting with my office mates. We just share an office for crying out loud! I barely know this person

Besides my morning rage, I only cried twice on this day though.

I did go and get my weekly massage. I was tempted to cancel since my mood was so sour, but I went and it was nice.

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