LYS, take 2: Day 2, Saturday, June 28

I recall my heart broke open on this day. I don’t think I even considered the LYS. I have not ever experienced the death of a person close to me nor do I think I have grieved for a person who has passed, so I have no comparison, but I’m positive I never cried quite quite so much in my life as I did on this day. I woke up thinking I was going to get Missy and have the day to nurse her back to health, instead I was given the news she had more seizures overnight and that she was not doing well. I knew the kindest thing for her was to euthanize her and I knew it was my responsibility to stay with her so she knew she was loved until the very end, but as her pain subsided with her passing, my heart felt like it had been ripped from my chest and has stayed like that for days.

I’m down to only a couple fits of sobbing per day now, but the grief, sadness and loneliness is overwhelming when it hits.

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