Lessons to be learned

Apparently my current lesson to learn is to stop making plans and having expectations.  Either that or the lesson is to more gracefully accept when plans changes and expectations are not met. Considering my propensity for making plans and setting expectations, perhaps the latter is what I should focus on.

Case in point: I decided to take an extra day off after the long three-day weekend in order to rest and have some quality fun time with my husband, since the majority of the weekend was supposed to be filled with dance workshops.

The plan was for me to do the daytime workshops for three days, the last of which was to begin really early so I was going to come home and nap and then later that night we were planning an aurora watching excursion since we could sleep in the next day, on our extra day off.  On our actual day off together we were going to go hiking, most likely going out to Angel Rocks for the first time.

I attend two of the three days of workshops and on day two I started to feel like I was coming down with something affecting my lungs so I took the third day off.  I spent most of that day lying about the house feeling rather poorly and more than anything dreading what I was pretty sure was going to turn into a full blown bought with respiratory illness, as I tend to get whenever any kind of cold passes through my vicinity.  It was also cold and rainy which made us think that our hiking trip was likely going to not happen, which further dampened my mood that day.  It was still grey and overcast that night, which meant there would be not viewing of auroras that night.  I tried not to feel too sad, but at the same time I was disappointed.

On our extra day off the day started out grey and I still was not feeling well, so we decided to spend the day at home.  We set up a plan of a few chores that we would do that really needed to get done.  One of those chores was dealing with an issue that has been plaguing us for over two months now, that is, the bed bugs.  We are killing them, but they are very tenacious little critters and the fact that we have to spray poison and strip and deep clean bedrooms every other week is becoming quite a chore which is heavy to bear on such a regular basis.  I can only hope that eventually we will kill them all since Michael keeps threatening to let the house freeze or to burn it all to the ground.  While both are effective means, neither is really an appropriate method of treatment, but I do understand his frustration.    Strangely, even though it is incredibly  frustrating, as unpleasant as this has been to deal with this situation seems to bother me less than him.


After the day’s work we enjoyed a delicious dinner and a few shows.  Just before going to bed I decided to look outside to see what the night sky might hold and lo and behold I could tell the lights were dancing even from my home which is located downtown Fairbanks and has lots of light pollution.  We both had to work the next day so I knew that an excursion was out of the question, so I walked around our block to see what I could see.  I saw lights dancing and a light pillar.  It was lovely.  I enjoyed it for the brief time that I could stand to be outside in what was essentially my pajamas and then I went inside and declared to my husband that this coming weekend we would try again.


I did not pout, feel sorry for myself for my plan not working nor did I get angry, all of which is an improvement I think.


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