I am opening studio primarily for belly dance in Fairbanks.
Finding a name seems to have been the hardest part thus far. We are located in a historic building that was “Tommy’s Elbow Room” for a long time, and there is s neon sign with the name “Elbow Room” that will remain outside the building for historic reasons. I tried to come up with something original to name my studio but in the long run, we are incorporating the “Elbow Room”
Because what is “elbow room? It is room for movement!
So, we are “Space for Movement Studio”
That took so long. I am really happy I figured out the name. Now for all the other things to do before September 1!
This should be up no later than tomorrow and has a splash page:
http://www.SpaceforMovementStudio.com (or .net, or .org, I bought all three).