Cold snap

It’s day four of a -40 degree cold snap.

Day one was easy and I worked from home because I didn’t feel like going in and knew the cold was coming so I brought my laptop home. However, it also brought broken hoses on Michael’s truck, so his vehicle went to the shop and we became a one-car family. Had to pick him up from work which made me shift my Monday night plans for a massage. Fortunately my massage therapist is AWESOME and amazing and flexible so I was able to reschedule for Wednesday night.

Day two brought me a very early morning since I needed to drive him to work and another day of working from home. Midday errands to run out to buy a camcorder since mine died last summer and I found a great deal but had to meet the seller on this day of all days since he was coming in from Eielson. Classes canceled, so I worked on finishing my last few Yoga teacher training requirements. I also made a choice that I’ve been struggling with and have taken a break from one of my performing groups, the Persian dance. While I love the dances and the costumes, I’ve just got too many commitments and I need to focus on what I absolutely love and need to focus on right now.

Day three was another early morning to drive Michael to work. I’m not a morning person and was starting to feel the effects of fighting my natural circadian rhythms. Worked from home again. Starting to feel like a hermit and liking the feeling. Since my decision about the Persian group affected my Wednesday night plans, I now had more free time to finish up those Yoga teacher training requirements. I finished all but one question and went to bed to sleep on that question. Plus Michael’s truck was fixed and he picked it up after work; I knew some schedule normalcy would resume the next day.

Day four and I just finished my Yoga teacher training requirements. Wohoo!!!! They have been sent off for review to my training teacher and I’m hopeful that I got everything in that I needed to get in. There is this nagging thought in the back of my head that I should have done more or explained more or reviewed and edited again and again and again…..

Temps at my house are reading -32 and the airport always says it’s much colder (it’s saying -38 right now). Hopefully it will “warm up” before 4pm so that we can have yoga and dance class tonight!


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