Last night was awesome. Went chasing the lights with many of my class mates and the lady aurora danced for us!
It’s a beautiful day outside and I should be having a good time at dance class, but I’ll be staying in. Between fighting the cold and the terrible air pollution from the last week, my lungs have been in sad shape for far too many days now. And while I’m sure that if I had stayed home and indoors last night I would be feeling slightly less poorly now, I’m not 100% sure that I would have made a difference in the quality of my lungs and my inability to go more than 10-15 minutes without a coughing fit.
I’m just happy I can do nebulizer treatments at home and don’t have to go to urgent care for them anymore. The meds help my lungs, but boy do the side effects make me shaky! Darn these lungs of mine! I’ll be oh-so-slowly working through my pics last night while I wait for the shaking to stop…..