Dancey Pants Weekend!

Busy weekend. Lots of dancing on Saturday!

Last performance with Cold Fusion at AYP
Saturday I had my last official performance with Cold Fusion Tribal Dance at the Angry Young and Poor Festival in Ester. I totally messed up one of the two dances I did, and was guilty of the one thing I harp about constantly in my own classes, talking at a performance, and in fact, not only did I talk, but I cursed on stage! I think I was facing to the back so no one heard me, but troupe mates in the back who could see me said they could read my lips as I said SHIT. And then, I did it again!! Sigh. Oh well, I just kept dancing, and smiling, and want to thank my CFTD troupe mates for allowing me to overcome the worst parts of my performance anxiety and learn to just smile and keep going even when I do mess up.
Photos from that show and the very short stint of my life as a fusion dancer can be seen here


After our performance at AYP, I went home to do a quick change, and pick up my stuff for the Hafla. Tribal Wallah danced 2 times at the hafla, and then Liz, Jess and I did a CFTD song. Mind you, Jess and I had been practicing that song because she and I performed it at AYP with Mary and Jennie and we also performed it at Fruitcake’s wedding back in March, but Liz had only run though it in practice and was not planning to dance to it yet. But Liz is the secret weapon of the CFTD troupe, and that girl can perform in a pinch! I did Beni Beni without any cussing, and my solo part was slinkier tribal fusion than anything I have ever done before.

Hot Licks Ice Cream
After the Hafla I got to try Hot Lick Ice cream. It was my first time having this ice cream, and I think I traumatized the exchange student who was working the register; I walked up and said hello, and said “I am a virgin, I have never had your ice cream”. When she replied in a think eastern European accept (German I think) and just blinked at me with that “blink blink” dull stare, I knew that taking this little joke to the Rocky Horror Picture Show extreme would not work or even get a smile from the girl. But she was nice, and let me sample a flavor before I committed since I HEAR that the Oatmeal Stout flavor is gross. So, I got Banana Chip and Chocolate in my waffle cone, and then Jess gave me some of her Peanut Butter cone too. A bit pricey at $7.10 for a double scoop, but still yummy. Something that is a big treat, perhaps for after performances, and not a regular thing.

Hot Licks after Hafla

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