Weekend Update, Sonic Screwdrivers, sunburnt tattoo and skeeter bites

What a great weekend! And oddly enough no dancing was involved, save for a wee bit of improv to Chumbawumba while hubby ran out to Lowes for the 3rd time on Monday.

Saturday night had a couple of friends over for dinner and then to start watching the new Dr Who starting with Episode 1. Enjoyed Sonic Screwdrivers (vanilla vodka, blue Curacao and sprite) and drank each time we saw the Sonic Screwdriver in use. This will quickly cause you to drink 3 full drinks if you aren’t careful about taking small sips!

I have wanted to take a Learn to Kayak class for some time b/c I want to do kayaking down in the bay around the glaciers next summer.

So, I went to a kayak class on Sunday, which also meant learning to roll the kayak. The two guides were very nice, patient and did a great job describing the goals (paddling, rescue, etc) and explaining how to achieve them. The “games” we played out on the lake were not really to my liking (I wanted to focus on learning to paddle my boat straight first before trying to race across the lake or maneuver), but I understood the purpose and tried to stay out of the way while a big sponge was thrown around and points were earned by hitting the boat or the paddler (all the while having to maneuver without boats actually hitting each other).

Right about this time was when I tipped my boat and had to practice my rolling in a real situation, and then that promoted the section where we learned to rescue each other and help the fallen person get back into their boat. Because they didn’t have a dry suit that fit my awesome booty, while the other 5 participants had dry suits for the trip and dips into the lake, I was fully emerged into Chena Lakes 3 times in my regular clothes plus I also had to endure a couple of poorly executed exits from my kayak on the shore where I was again dipped fully into the lake. It was cold, but not terribly so…but by end of day I was tired, oh so tired. And sore too!

But, I now understand how to paddle a kayak, and if I roll it I understand how to remove the skirt for safe exit while it is upside down, and can get back into it (though not gracefully), if I have a partner with me. They never got to self-rescue so I guess I won’t be doing any solo runs for a while still…

And just in case the soreness is enough to remind me of the weekend, there are very visible traces of the weekend; I am seriously bruised (mostly on the right side, probably from trying to get back into the kayaking after accidentally rolling it), my legs are COVERED with skeeter bites and small bruises from scratching said bites, plus I discovered this morning I have a sunburn on my tattoo (it is just bumpy and itchy).

We also got lots of little projects started around the house, including moving the bookshelves out of the trailer which means we can now list that trailer for sale. This is the same trailer that we used to move up here, and selling it, in my mind, really seals the deal that we are staying here.

Also made one set of blackout curtains, and have another big piece of unfinished black fabric covering the foil on the other window. I should be able to finish that next weekend.

Now if we could just get the sink faucet out; it seems to be rusted and even with a couple hours of wd40 type spray, using a newly purchased basin wrench and lots of labor on Michael’s part, it still won’t budge!

Sonic Screwdriver, drink of choice for Dr. Who fans

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