Scoped out Creamers Field to test how the trails were during the day on Tuesday, March 24. I was also testing out one of my new camera backpacks and took some test pictures. I’m still learning about photography and honestly think aurora photography is easier than daylight or action photography is!
Lesson for the day: APERTURE PRIORITY does not work for daylight photography when you think it is on AUTOMATIC. Turns out I just had the camera on the wrong setting and most of my daytime photos were blown out and all bright with no details. Also I realized I can’t see ANYTHING on my LCD screen without my glasses and in blinding (daytime) lights it’s even worse. SO I added a pair of glasses to the backpack to keep in the pack. And will remember the difference between AP and Auto, hopefully.
Minor post processing done in irfanview. Also first time to add some type of watermark/logo. I set up this facebook page to put my photography images on instead of using my personal account. Â That way I don’t have to deal with granting public permissions and hopefully I can phase out using the personal account from anything ever again.