Seven Days of Cake

I like cake. A lot.

So, when a VERY decadent cake showed up at Bollywood get together last weekend, which was doubling as an early b-day gathering for me and a celebration of a friends completion of her Phd comps and her running a marathon that morning, I was of course delighted. Then, the cake maker said I could take the cake home. Woot! I decided that meant I was to have “7 days of cake’ leading up to my 40th birthday, where I would indulge in yet another fabulous dessert when my hubby takes me out to a ‘fancy dinner’.

Today makes day 5 of the “7 days of cake” my tummy is wicked upset. I am not sure if it is related to the cake (my husband swears it is). I am even home from work (fortunately I can work from home) because my as my husband says when his digestion is causing him difficulties, ‘the gutty works are upset’. BLECK. I feel gross.

This will not stop me from enjoying my decadent cake. But I might just be ill until after I turn 40.

Decadent Cake

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